Today he is free of manic episodes. Nonstop on medication for 24 years (without an episode), he has rebuilt his life. He has learned much about bipolar disorder (formerly called manic depressive psychosis) and has actually become a psychotherapist in real life (rather than in delusion), treating others with this illness. He has the advantage of understanding his patients well because he’s been there. The fact that he’s come back gives him hope.
When he began treatment in the 1970’s, little was known about chemical imbalance. Into this arena strode the first generation of psychiatric drugs. The idea that brain biochemistry could be influenced by medication was a revelation which would create a revolution. It continues to this day. If he had to have bipolar disorder, it has been his good fortune to have had it in the era in which he lives.
Mind Gone Awry is his story. More than that, it is a teaching tool because he not only described in detail what bipolar disorder looks like from the inside, but he also describes the steps he took (in addition to going on medication) to help him work his way out of madness and back to being a functioning, productive member of society. The same steps, tools and tricks of the trade that helped him can help others.
Mind Gone Awry goes from describing the first signs of Donald Kern’s bipolar disorder, to discussing his resistance to facing what was happening to him, to ultimately accepting that he had a “mental illness,” to finally seeking and accepting help. The book underscores the case for psychiatric intervention and medication, as well as psychological support.
2.2 million men and women in the United States have bipolar disorder. There is a whole network of individuals, concerned family members, organizations, and professionals who are in the midst of learning more about bipolar disorder. “Mind Gone Awry,” gives hope while education leads to greater functioning and acceptance.
They were out to get me. I had made one mistake and they were going to make sure I made no more. The girl had lost her sight in one eye when I misjudged the depth of the beam. The religious energy I was using was available to me only through the consent of the ethnic group I had organized. If something went wrong, I was the one held accountable - honorary physician and psychologist licensed to use soul energy. Communicating telepathically, I was using the energy for medicine and positive evolution.
-- From one of my psychotic episodes, Donald Kern, MFT
Mind Gone Awry - Book Details
Publisher: Donald Kern/Isaac Nathan Publishing
Author: Donald Kern, MFT
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0-914615-37-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-914615-37-8
Copyright: 2007, First Edition
Format: Softcover
Pages: 261
Chapters: 14
Chapter Titles
Chapter 1: Mind Gone Awry
Chapter 2: The Psychotic Single
Chapter 3: Eating Crow
Chapter 4: Happiness and Haste
Chapter 5: Holyland
Chapter 6: Kindling
Chapter 7: Psychiatrist in the Warehouse
Chapter 8: Getta Job
Chapter 9: In
Chapter 10: Out
Chapter 11: Playing Catchup
Chapter 12: Second Chances
Chapter 13: Depression Times Three
Chapter 14: On Being a Therapist
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Donald Kern, MFT
2601 Northshore Lane
Westlake Village, CA 91361
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